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1508 91 19 7 8 4.88 из 5
отлично 27-12-2022 14:53:44 Gharbaoui

Excellent service

отлично 26-12-2022 17:26:40 Lim

this exchange is the highest quality exchange I have ever seen. it has also helpful and friendly support staff. it has the best rate

отлично 23-12-2022 18:23:00 Hoops

They quickly responded to the application and made an exchange, an excellent exchanger

отлично 23-12-2022 13:30:10 Dieter

Hello MagnatuS Team,
thanks for your very good work. I would be happy to recommend working with you at any time.
The whole process was very pleasant and a positive experience.

отлично 21-12-2022 12:57:51 Mohamed Elsayd Mohamed

thank you very good service and very fast I will make an order thanks magnatus.com

отлично 20-12-2022 15:02:12 Abdulrahman

exchanging goes faster than i expect as its the first time to make exchaning here , trustable website
and i did received the exact amount . thx

отлично 19-12-2022 03:13:34 Hamdy

Fast and security

отлично 18-12-2022 17:23:32 Sujith

very fast reliable and friendly support

отлично 18-12-2022 17:17:24 Ahmed

Best Service at all
very Trust and fast

отлично 18-12-2022 08:37:23 Saad

Very fast, I recommend it,
it will not be the last deal.

отлично 16-12-2022 00:36:22 Johnson

The service was great and smooth. Liked it

отлично 15-12-2022 17:17:53 Jotham

The service is good. Among the best due to low charges. Also allows exchange amongst most other major currencies & platforms. Highly recommended!!

отлично 15-12-2022 16:27:05 Beat

Everything went fine. I can recommend your service to others.

отлично 10-12-2022 19:43:54 Mohamed

Very professional, clear, transparent, the dealing with them very safe
Overall rating is excellent

отлично 08-12-2022 15:37:33 Md Rannu, WMID 280663085412

Very good service

отлично 26-11-2022 17:15:55 Михаил

Ну что ж приятно удивлен..
вывод с пайпал понимал что будет геморным, так как ситуацию уже мониторил.
Данных конечно с меня затребовали, но сервис должен подстраховать и себя тоже. В итоге все прошло быстро, обмен совершен.
Буду работать продолжать.

отлично 18-11-2022 20:56:38 Jérémy

C'est la première fois que je fais appel à magnatus pour un transfert Paypal € vers Perfect money $. Lorsque la transaction a été demandé, j'ai suivi pas à pas les instructions qu'on me donnait et même si l'une des transactions n'a pas fonctionnée, cela à très vite était résolu. Échange courtois et professionnel. Je referai appel à magnatus au besoin. Merci. (2 jours pour le transfert)

отлично 17-11-2022 00:52:28 Valerio

Il servizio è stato svolto con diversi meccanismi volti ad avere la massima sicurezza possibile. I tempi sono molto rapidi

отлично 16-11-2022 09:46:49 Dugan

Great service. worked without issue and within timeframes. will use again.

отлично 14-11-2022 01:34:43 Thompson

Great platform, easy and intuitive.

Support team prepared and attentive.
