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отлично 15-08-2021 13:50:54 Audrey

Great service.. they told I would receive my cash within 24hrs and I did receive my cash within 24hrs..I will continue using this account

отлично 14-08-2021 15:26:29 Jolanta


отвратительно 13-08-2021 14:29:01 Sergiu

4 дня не получил битконы не рекомендую этот сервис

Ответ представителя Magnatus.com:
0.00119260 были переведены Вам три дня назад. Ссылочку на транзакцию и на Ваш кошелек на блокчейне добавил в заявку.
Перепроверьте тщательно. Спасибо.

отлично 13-08-2021 13:24:51 Николай

Очень доволен этим обменником. Работают оперативно.

отлично 13-08-2021 04:18:14 Mark Anthony

Thanks to all the Staff for your wonderful service... I didn't expect it would happen so faster... before the schedule time and date and time
payment is done..
You deserve 100%

отлично 13-08-2021 03:42:52 Mohammed

Thanks, Magnatus, good and fast service.

отлично 11-08-2021 22:45:30 Ethan

took a while but funds were transferred safely

отлично 10-08-2021 12:36:47 John

Good exchange and fast replies in the chat

отлично 09-08-2021 19:26:21 Сергей

Заказ по обмену Skrill на BTC выполнен быстро, точно, без лишней волокиты, всё согласно оговоренных условий сайта. Мне понравилось, буду в дальнейшем пользоваться услугами обмена).Рекомендую!!!

отлично 09-08-2021 06:01:03 Karim

perfect...before 24 h...done

отлично 08-08-2021 06:22:25 Michael

Great and swift service. PP to PM.

отлично 08-08-2021 05:04:34 Okechi

Great!... What else can I say, there security is top notch and you shouldn't worry about getting scammed, if you can be honest with them you will be fine. Nice transaction with magnatus.

отлично 04-08-2021 13:03:47 Frank

I really liked how the process was professional. The support team responds quickly and the exchange from PayPal to BTC went smoothly. I will be using this professional service from now on. I did all this from Burundi in Africa. Well done Magnatus.

отлично 03-08-2021 02:23:50 Zyad

Excellent site

отлично 03-08-2021 02:15:42 Luis

Is the best excharge, easy and fast! I'm satisfied with the service

отлично 02-08-2021 16:25:50 Akram Baha Eddine

fast, reliable money transfers with variable options available at a very low cost and a we can also withdraw very small amounts. one of the best services i found, definitely going to keep using it

хорошо 02-08-2021 13:30:51 Dan, WMID 177915383410

Транзакция прошла достаточно быстро,
но возникла проблема с пэйпалом. Надеюсь на Вашу службу поддержки.

отлично 02-08-2021 13:03:30 Onodi

Successful exchange, from PM to Skrill account in a few hours. Excellent program.Thank you

отлично 02-08-2021 12:13:21 D

Good service. The exchange was done within a day and went smoothly

отлично 30-07-2021 14:56:09 Jamal

I have been using Magnatus for more than a year now and I can say they do deliver. Would definitely be using in the future.

1 10 20 30 40 50 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 153 | все | 20 из 3057